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Pick Up and Drop Off

Morning Drop Off Procedures

  • Doors open at 7:50 a.m.
  • There will be NO supervision prior to 7:50 a.m. We will NOT be walking the track this year and breakfast will be served “to go” style and taken to classrooms. 
  • Breakfast will be served from 7:50 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Cafeteria staff will have a cart with breakfast on at the main entrance (inside) and those eating breakfast will get their breakfast and go to the classroom to eat. 
  • Please drop off all students in the front of the building to use the main entrance and remind them to wear their mask and space out when they exit the car.
  • Students are the only ones allowed to exit the vehicle. All others please remain inside the car unless an appointment has been previously scheduled (if an appointment has been made, please park in the parking lot).

Afternoon Pick Up Procedures

  • School will dismiss at 2:25 p.m. DAILY (No early outs on Wednesdays) Please be on time. 
  • Place your child’s name plate in the passenger side window (you will be issued 2 from the school on your child’s first day)
  • Pull as far up as you can towards the southeast exit to keep gaps at a minimum
  • Students will be assigned a dot in the fenced-in area at the southeast corner of the school.
  • You must remain in your vehicle at all times. Please do NOT exit your vehicle unless you have previously scheduled an appointment with school staff. 
  • Staff will communicate with each other and students to release students to vehicles using the name cards in your window. Please make sure that anyone that picks up your child has a name plate (you can make additional signs as needed). 
  • Ideally all students will enter vehicles on the passenger side. Please try to make this procedure for their safety.
  • Once your child is loaded in and buckled up, please wait for a staff member to direct a group of cars at a time to leave in the order you enter the lot and slowly exit the parking lot using the southeast exit only.
  • When a group of cars is loaded and gone, please pull as far forward as possible and staff will load the next round of students.